Labour Compliance Services in India

We are the leading Labour Compliance Service Providers in India. Outsourcing Labour Compliance is a common practice in India, where businesses engage third-party service providers to manage their compliance requirements related to labor laws and regulations.

Outsourcing Labour Compliance services allows businesses to focus on their core competencies, while ensuring that they remain compliant with the numerous laws and regulations governing employment in India.

Some of the Labor Statutory Compliance include:

  1. Payroll Management: Maintaining employee details, Calculating salary, Tax, Deductions, and Processing payouts to employees.
  2. Provident Fund (PF) and Employee State Insurance (ESI) Compliance: Maintaining PF and ESI records, Calculating contributions, and Filing monthly returns.
  3. Labour Welfare Fund (LWF) Compliance: Maintaining LWF records, calculating contributions, and filing annual returns.
  4. Professional Tax Compliance: Maintaining professional tax records, calculating and filing monthly returns.
  5. Shop and Establishment Act Compliance: This includes maintaining records related to employee attendance, leave, and working hours, and ensuring compliance with local laws related to shops and establishments.
  6. Factories Act Compliance: Maintaining records related to employee health and safety, working hours, and leave, and ensuring compliance with  laws related to factories.

Here in Matrix HR Technologies Pvt Ltd, we help our clients to save time and resources, reduce compliance risks, and improve their overall Business. It is very important to choose a service provider with experience and expertise in labor laws and regulations in India, and we ensure Matrix HR Technologies Pvt Ltd will be your best choice. We can provide customized solutions that meet the specific needs of your business.

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